Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Detroit Marathon is only 26 days away.......

....hmmmm that doesn't seem that far away. Still, I ask myself: can I do this? AM I going to actually finish this? Under 4 hours? I've been told that as long as I can finish a 2 hour run by myself, I will be able to push through for the entire marathon based on the atmosphere alone. That is shoddy logic to me, but I guess it makes sense.

I started training June 1, and have been keeping a pretty solid 4 day a week running schedule throughout. I missed a couple runs when we moved, which coincided with my Wife's Gramma passing, and then I had some IT-band issues 2 weeks ago, that resulted in shorter runs, but overall I have been pretty true to my schedule. I do wish that I would have altered my diet and have eaten better, but at this point I am going to have to go into the marathon with what I have.

I ran 14 miles on Sunday, and it was pretty uneventful. My IT-band pain was coming and going, which in reality is a good sign because it used to come and stay. Hopefully my IT is not an issue during my 20 miler on Sunday, or the 26.2 miler on Oct 21. I saw my in-laws on the trail, which was a nice surprise, but they were 'only' running 5 miles that morning. Slackers. Actually, I think my brother-in-law 'only' ran 3. Double-slacker. No really, they have ran with me and keep me motivated. I love them.

My ipod said I ran 14 miles in 1:45 or somewhere in that neighborhood. Two words: YEAH RIGHT. I really don't think I was moving that fast, I actually thought I was running slower than usual. Usual for me is about 8:30/mile. I have been running faster lately, but that time sounds ridiculous. So maybe Sunday's run wasn't 14 miles exactly, but it was still 1:45 worth of running, and I was still a little tired towards the end. Stuff like this really makes me wonder about this marathon and how it's going to go. I am thinking about getting a Garmin 205, maybe for X-Mas, but even then, how accurate is a Garmin compared to an Ipod? One will never know.....

1 comment:

RunToTheFinish said...

Hmm, I can't say that a two hour run would have gotten me through my marathon, but you know what it's all mental so maybe! Good luck with the IT band.

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