Thursday, July 12, 2007

This is neither emotionally deep, nor philosophically ground-breaking

My running this week has been good. Really good actually. I ran those 9 miles on Sunday, followed up by 5k on Tuesday and Wednesday. From how interesting/cool the run on Sunday was, I went back to the Dreadmill on Tuesday and the 'Hairy Old Man' track on Wednesday.

**To follow-up on the old hairy guys, I haven't seen them in a couple of weeks. Based on their age, I can't assume they 'surf the net' and from that I can't assume they read this blog. Maybe they actually did read my blog and stay at home now and cry instead of coming to the track. I hope not, and I hope they're OK.**

It's hard to believe that it's already Thursday. Where has this week gone?

I have been questioning my pacing on my runs since day one. I tend to think that my shorter runs should be faster (In a per mile sense) than my longer runs for them (my shorter runs) to be productive. So I am going to shoot for 8:30/mile on my longer runs, and 7:30/mile for my shorter runs. I am going to use 5 miles as the distinction distance between long and short.

I am to run 5 miles today, after work, and I forgot my shoes, running clothes and Ipod at home. So, I am borrowing clothes (from my brother-in-law who works with me and lives a lot closer to work than I do), not running with my Ipod and running in my 'everyday' shoes (which are New Balance 992--a running shoe, but not MY running shoe.....)

We'll see how this goes. Don't get your hopes up.

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