During my 6-mile run yesterday, I passed by not one, but TWO men in their 60's with Ipods. These guys were not together either, they were both minding their own business about a mile apart from each other.
It got me wondering: What DO old people listen to on their Ipods??? Are they "file-sharing" just like me and my college buddies did (and still do, ssshhhhh.......)???
My guess would be that they just buy songs from Itunes, and they have less than 10 GB of music on their Ipods. I also would guess that they don't have the latest from Korn, T.I., Britney Spears, or the Beastie Boys on their Ipods either (however, it would be pretty sweet if they did). I don't know if it's PC to make these judgments, but I was a little fascinated to see 60 year old men with Ipods.
My last two runs were total opposites of one another. On Wednesday it was 90F, and very muggy. Besides that, I ate chinese food about 2 hours before my 3 mile run. I thought that since it was only 3 miles, I should be OK even though I ate only 2 hours before. Boy, was I wrong. When my run was over, I felt like someone kicked me in the stomach. I was able to drive home (a little doubled over) and sat on the toilet for about 20 minutes once I got home. I didn't feel any better, so I went and laid down for another 30 mins. My wife got me a cold rag and I put that on my forehead and I ate some ice cream and I felt a lot better. I don't know if it was the heat or the food that made me feel so bad. I hurt from my throat down to my intestines, kinda like if you swallowed a dorito too fast and one of the corners is scratching your throat all the way to your stomach. It sucked.
Thursday I ran 6 miles, and it was a little cloudy. The clouds and wind made what was a 95F day about an 85F day, which was a lot nicer to run in. I ran my 6 miles in like 53 min. or something close to that and I felt fine afterwards. It was a good run, except that I am running too fast. I have a bad habit of running as fast as my body will let me, and that is going to destroy me in the marathon. I need to start out running these 6+ milers at 9:00/mile+ pace, so I know what do do at the beginning of the marathon. I would rather pick up the pace at the end of a race, then basically walk at the finish because I am spent. I am running 12 miles Sunday and I am going to try this slower pacing. Hopefully I can figure it out.
My guesses would be that they are listening to audiobooks, but who knows.
I was shocked the other day when my mother, (who is almost 60) told me she wanted an iPhone. I guess our "elders" are into gadgets just like we are.
Audiobooks! Now that you mention it, you're probably right. I still like to imagine 50 Cent's "In Da Club" blaring in those earbuds!
Hi -- I just found your blog.
It seems like you really like the ipod/Nike system. Would you recommend it to a new runner (ahem ... me)?
I would definitely recommend nike+ to a new runner. It makes running (for me at least) easier and it keeps me accountable (to an extent) because I can see my progress (or lack thereof).
I would NOT recommend it to a serious, elite runner. The distance measuring system is not 100% accurate. It's close, but not spot-on right.
Ha! This post cracks me up. Partly because I saw an older woman with headphones today and, just like you, wondered what she was listening to. But also because it brings up the age perspective. I totally don't see 60 as elderly (and I'm under 30). My dad's +60 and has Pink, Lauryn Hill, and Feist on his mp3 player. So, I bet you might be surprised!!
I like to imagine that they're listening to Fergie or 50 cent with maybe some older stuff mixed in, like 2 Live Crew.
i laughed outloud thinking about that. what would they listen to? my guess is whatever their grandkids that set up their ipods like.
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