It's seriously a thick, disgusting 100F outside today. I need to run 7 miles. I hate the treadmill. I didn't run this morning, and I don't really want to run when it's dark outside. That's a lot of whining for one sentence, but I guess I am a little frustrated with what I am going to do.
I really did get a good laugh when the local Knoxville weather guy said that a 'cold-front' was coming in for Friday and the high is going to be 93F. I am sorry, but 'cold-front' to me means 'drop in temperature of at least 10 degrees'. You suck, local Knoxville weather guy.
I am leaning towards running tonight, beginning at dusk, outside, and armed with a lot of water and a rape-whistle.
I too wish this heat would go away. Good luck trying to get your runs in
Feel free to come read my weather complaints
Kev...are you running this marathon for a cause of any sort? I was just curious. I know that its sort of a personal goal and all, but is there a greater cause or something outside of self that you're running for. I'm not saying you need to, but I read in katowens blog that she's raising money for Girls on the Run and thought that was pretty cool. Just a thought.
Erik--I haven't looked into running for a cause, and that's partly because this is my first marathon and I want to be able to make sure that I can finish one before I start having people/organizations invest in me.
Down the road, I'd like to run for a purpose, but like I was saying, this marathon is to make sure I can actually do it.
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