Family, please know that I love you all dearly. This is not your you seriously think I was going to carry that on??? That is creepy. I guess if you read my prior posts, you wouldn't put a faux-suicide note past me.
To change subjects:

Yesterday, I ran 3 outside and I pushed myself pretty hard. It was 90 outside and I was feeling it afterwards. I was at about 7:30/mile, which is a good clip for me lately, and I feel like my new shoes are helping(although they may be about 1/4 size small....we'll see).
It's supposed to storm this afternoon, which would push my 8-miler indoors. (Then this will be the last thing I ever write, because 8 miles on a treadmill is murder)
PS: I was on a conference call the other day and the guy who was hosting it used the word "Blogosphere" in reference to bloggers as a whole. I laughed out loud, luckily I had the mute button pressed in.
Good luck! I can't imagine doing that. But I'm sure you'll be able to. You can, after all, run a 7:30-minute mile, which I don't even dare think about :)
I know the heat/humidity you are going through!!! It is not fun to run in at all, but I personally feel a treadmill is worse! Good luck.
Blogosphere?! If your mom was blogging it'd be called the "Dogosphere"!!
Re: my previous comment
No offense to Kevin's real mom. She's actually really cool!
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